Service Info:
Worship: Sundays at 9:15am
Coffee & Fellowship Hour at 10:15am

*our building is handicap accessible
What Should I Expect at Sunday Worship?
You will be greeted warmly at the door and given a bulletin, which will have all the information you need for the morning. While our forms of worship may change from time to time, you can expect us to sing, pray, and read/preach from the Bible. We won’t single you out or ask you to stand up in front of everyone, but we will greet you individually.
Children join us for worship as they are an important part of our community. They get practice in the forms of worship and hearing from the Bible. About half-way through the service, the pastor invites all children upfront for a “Children’s Time.” During the summer, the children return to their seats for the rest of the service. During the school year, they are excused to attend Sunday school.
We celebrate the Lord’s supper on the first Sunday of each month.
Our choir sings September through May. Our musicians can play! Check out this duet by Roger and Nancy Wilhite!

After the service each Sunday, all are invited to the church basement for a Coffee & Fellowship Hour with refreshments provided.
Do I Have to Look, Act, or Dress a Certain Way?
We invite you to come as you are to worship! Our congregation has those who are casual to those who are more dressy. We have restless kids and people of every age. We are all imperfect people worshiping a merciful God. If you are curious about whether God is alive or you wonder about Jesus or you want to stretch your faith in a caring place, then you are welcome here.